Saturday, December 28, 2019

Throughout This Internship, Courses Like Coms 123 Writing

Throughout this internship, courses like COMS 123: Writing for Public Information, COMS 121: Media Aesthetics, MKTG 125: Advertising, and COMS 187: Issue Management and Case Study PR comprehensively prepared me for what my internship requests of me. I have successfully applied my understanding of writing and creating for the media, but there are more courses that would have greatly benefitted me. Courses that may have been useful to take include JOUR 153: Mass Media Law and Regulation, MKTG 123: Public Relations and Ethics, and a course in Visual Communication for Modern Media. Prior to taking on this internship, taking JOUR 153: Mass Media Law and Regulation would be incredibly resourceful to understand before working with various†¦show more content†¦By understanding how to design for television, newspapers, magazines, video, and public relations, I would give superior advertisements that generate more awareness for the organization. If this course was available in the c urriculum, I would not hesitate to learn and improve creative skills for designing for various mediums. 4. What was missing or disappointing, if anything, about this internship? What was especially rewarding and educational? ________________________________________ What was disappointing was how little time I spent in the office or studio. While it is easier to work from home on a time and billing format, it would be easier if the organization let me come into the studio on a set schedule each week. My first tasks were online, managing the social media outlets; which, while easy to do from home on a computer, is an area that can possibly be more clear and detailed if done at the studio and office. The hours at this location were too flexible and I had to push to get more duties and responsibilities assigned to me before the semester ended. Another piece that was missing from this organization was clear communication. While I was not scheduled weekly to intern at the studio, I was also not given specific hours to come in or complete repetitive work. In order for me to earn my hours, I needed to constantly call to ask permission to come to the studio and offer my assistance. Communication was greatly missing too with the executiveShow More Related65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays 2nd Edition 147256 Words   |  190 Pagesof The Harbus, the Harvard Business School newspaper / Lauren Sullivan and the staff of The Harbus.-2nd ed. p.em. ISBN 978...0..312...55007...3 1. Business schools-United States-Admission. 2. Exposition (Rhetoric) 3. Essay-Authorship. 4. Business writing. 5. Harvard Business School. 1. Sullivan, Lauren. II. Harbus. III. Title: Sixty...five successful Harvard Business School application essays. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The During The First World War - 3114 Words

Reaction to the war: †¢ During the First World War, Australia supported Great Britain which meant that Australia was also at war. The conflict had an impact on Australia as a young nation, the following information are just some of the issues that Australia dealt with. The outbreak of war was met with huge enthusiastic support for Britain and for Australia to support by being part of the war. Support came in the form of political parties, churches, the newspapers and community leaders who felt that it was a moral and necessary commitment to enter the war. There was a rush to the recruiting offices, initially only the healthiest and fittest men were enlisted. Australia was a very young nation in 1914, it had only recently formed to become a†¦show more content†¦Another example was that Companies promised the employees who volunteered for service would have their positions held with leave granted with full pay. Events ended with both cast and audience uniting in the anthems of Rule, Britannia and Advance Australia Fair reflecting strong nationalist and patriot emotions. However, evidence has been uncovered to suggest that this was not the correct image as there are hints to imply that not all Australians felt this way, for example even though many men tried to enlist, there were many that did not which led to incidences of white feathers being sent to the men that did not rush to enlist and also of women rejecting and abusing these men. Effect on the economy: †¢ When the Great War of World War 1 erupted in 1914, it had a devastating effects of on the Australian economy and to this day, this war remains the most disastrous event Australia as an nation in its infancy has ever suffered by lives lost and impact on the economy of the country, in fact it remains the worst year for our economy since federation. Australia s economy wasn t very diverse and relied heavily on imports and with a limited number of customers for its agricultural and mineral exports. At the announcement of war, Germany was the biggest buyer of many of Australia s exports such as metal, wool and wheat and this had a direct effect on Australia

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Second novel Essay Example For Students

Second novel Essay Gerald took her to the County Hotel, They talked and met up again two nights later. He discovered she had no money so he let her stay at his friends empty apartment and gave her money to keep her going. I made her go to Morgan Terrace because I was sorry for her and I didnt like the idea of her going back to the Palace Bar. I didnt ask for anything in return.  Daisy Renton or Eva Smith became his mistress, He was her wonderful fairy prince.  The affair ended in the first week of September. I had to go away for several weeks then on business. I insisted on a parting gift of enough money to see her through till the end of the year I never saw her again and thats all I can tell you. Gerald helped Eva with genuine sympathy from her situation and didnt take advantage of her as Eric had done while he was drunk in a violent way. Gerald did make Eva Smith happy and in many ways he is least to blame for the death of Eva Smith. It is no doubt that Eva Smiths death was a result of the chain of events led by the Birling family and Gerald Croft. Out of all the people in Eva Smiths life, Gerald seemed to be the only genuine one of them all. He gave her a place to stay when she needed it most and money which was enough to keep her going with a little extra. Gerald also gave her genuine companionship and only broke the relationship off when they both agreed it was going nowhere. He didnt ask for anything in return from Eva. I believe that Sheila was only partly responsible, as was Eric. From Sheilas selfish, green eyed nature, she went out of her way to get Eva sacked from Milwards just because she was more pretty than she was, and one dress caused Sheila to make Evas life hell by complaining to the manager at Milwards and threatening to remove her mothers account with them. If Eva hadnt been sacked she would never have ended up vulnerable and with Eric. Eric was more responsible for the death because he pushed her over the edge. He was a liar, a thief and an embezzler, He gave her stolen money and took advantage of her, forcing her back and sleeping with her while he was drunk. He became angry and aggressive when she said no but he violently forced his way back in to the house. Eric left Eva Smith pregnant and when she went to Erics mothers committee for help she was turned away and told to get the father of the baby to take responsibility and not to run away, What Sybil didnt realize was that that father of her unborn baby was, in fact, her son. Sybil was the last person out of all of them to see Eva alive so she could have changed the end result. If she hadnt put on airs and grace and turned Eva away from the committee, Eva would have had a future.  Overall, I believe that Arthur Birling is the one person who we can hold responsible for Eva Smiths death. Sacking her from the factory made her attitude to life change. If he hadnt have sacked her from the factory she wouldnt have ended up working in Milwards where she was to be sacked by a jealous, angry Sheila. Eva wouldnt have been vulnerable and ended up with Gerald and have been taken advantage of and left pregnant by Eric. If she wasnt pregnant she wouldnt have needed his mothers committee for help. She would have had a long and stable job and a happy life, Which Arthur took away. There for I think Arthur Birling is most responsible for the death of Eva Smith. .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3 , .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3 .postImageUrl , .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3 , .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3:hover , .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3:visited , .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3:active { border:0!important; } .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3:active , .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3 .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u27ff5353ceaf065ee868e6f7e569e1c3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Does Greene raise his characters from mere functions in a 'detective' novel to characters whose motivations are believable? EssayAn Inspector Calls  _J.B Priestley  John Boynton Priestley was born in Yorkshire on the 13th September 1894.  He left school at the age of sixteen and in 1910 he became a junior clerk with the local wool firm of Helm and Company. With the outbreak of war in 1914 Priestley joined the infantry at the age of twenty. He left the Army in 1919 after nearly being killed once and being a victim of a gas attack. After leaving the army he went to Cambridge University to study Modern History and Political Science, but in 1921 he left and went to Londo n. Priestleys first novel was The Good Companions (1929) and his second novel, Angel Pavement was published in 1930, but it was in 1932. When he was aged 38 that he wrote his first play Dangerous Corner, An Inspector Calls was written in 1945.  In this Essay I will try to find whom I think was most responsible for the death of Eva Smith. I will find out some background information for each of the characters and use the evidence and my knowledge to come to a conclusion and to find in my opinion was most responsible.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Discrimination in Worlplace for Hospitality- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theDiscrimination in Worlplace for Hospitality Management. Answer: Introduction to the issue The essay will discuss in detail about the issue of sexism in the technology sector. Any kind of discrimination especially sexism in this sector is considered as an occupational sexism. It has been argued a lot of time in media that there is a high ratio of women and men, rates of graduation for number of engineering based degrees as well as culture of the industry itself are the main reason of sexism in the technology sector (Nadal et al, 2014). While looking at the industry, one will understand that the first programmer in the world happened to be a woman. In the year 1843, a woman called Ada Lovelace developed the very first theoretical algorithm in software. The vision presented by her was based on analytical engine that can weave any kind of pattern like Jacquard loom can weave leaves and flowers. The vision of her should have become an embody or the lifeblood of technology industry along with invention and pushed boundaries of various possibility. However, her efforts and legacy want into haywire with todays age modern programming where the existence of women in this industry has become dangerously gendered (Collins, 2011). Description of IT industry The word information technology often called as IT are widely come in used in organization as well as filed of computing. People using the terms in this field are generally referring towards many kinds of computer based work with sometime people confuses with the meaning. For more than ten years there are many corporation that have created a distinct kind of IT department to manage the computer based technologies associated for the business (Webster, 2014). Whatever such departments worked on becoming the main definition of IT, one that has evolved over a period. In the present time, IT department have accountability in following areas: - Technology support from computer Business based computer network as well as database administration Software deployment from business point of view Security of information The computing system and capabilities are expanding across the world along with data overload which is becoming a critical challenge for many professionals in the sector. Efficiency based processing covers huge data that can produce useful business based intelligence which need large amount of processing based power with sophisticated software as well as analytical skills of a human being (Wright, 2011). Communication as well as teamwork based skills have also become important in many organization to manage the different complexities of IT based systems. There are many IT professionals that are accountable for providing right kind of services to business user who are not properly trained in computer based networking system or other technologies however who are not rightly trained in computer networking (Whittaker, 2011). Then there is system and network based security challenges that become the main concern for many business managers as any security case can largely damage the reputation of the company and cost based larger sum of money. Potential impact of the issue on the IT industry and on the conduct of practice There is a potential rise in the number of women that are accusing technology based companies that are having an apathetic stance on harassment as well as inequality. In last few months, companies like Google has been largely accused of having a systematic kind of disparities in compensation that exist between all genders in the company (Campos-Soria et al, 2011). As per the reports, approx. two thousand and eight-hundred-word blog post consist of all kind of allegations against much hyped case of Uber that led to two important investigations with twenty dismissals and the current resignation of Uber executive in previous or last harassment allegations. In the recent time, the companys investigation has mainly aimed on company board members to deal with claims that were toxic for the companys culture. The case was gone out of hand, the executive got fired for completely mishandling the reports from medical department of the woman who was raped by the employees of the company. The chi ef executive of the company directly came under much scrutiny along with board of directors debating a leave of absence for three months. In another case in Silicon Valley, a company called Upload VR which is San Francisco based company for virtual reality was sued claiming of sexual harassment at workplace which led to unbearable culture for female workforce and thus the lawsuit was filed against them. It was also claimed by victim that the treatment was systematically prejudiced towards females staff and disregard for the overall safety of the workforce (Whyte, 2017). The culture of the company was defined as hostile for female staff in the year 2013 when she specifically joined the organization as a manufacturing engineer where she was also paid less in comparison of male counterparts who work she took over. In addition, whenever there were meetings she used to be the only female employees among forty and fifty men. In fact, all chief executive was positioned at the company were held by male members and out of approx. thirty vice presidents only two were women. In addition, in Silicon Valley, the overall average of tech based board of director of company is just eleven percent female (Lam, 2012). Description of the ways to deal with the issue Being assertive and persistent is the most important thing to do and it is also important to note aggressive approach will not help at all. There are number of women in technology company that are pretty used to holding minority status at work. However, it doesnt make them the only female among many male members any better. There are so many times when there is only one women member in the room and when notice a pattern of male colleagues evaluating the female members every move and actions (Reagle, 2012). In this kind of situation, one can feel to be in a catch 22 case and it is difficult to decide the action. In case of fighting back, one might see an extra sensitive or shrill side but in case of no action, one could come off as a weak gender. As per the recent research women with certain masculine traits like high self-confidence are perceived as more competent then any set standard of feminine women. However, they can also be taken as a less socially skilled and thus further suff er a backlash kind of impact. Conclusion It is a challenging time for females in technology sector. In fact, women employees are choosing out of the technology industry work, an element blamed as a part of the industry based pattern of sexism. As per the recent study in Talent innovation, the study says the women in science, technology and engineering are forty five percent more likely than male members to entirely leave the work or the industry (Prescott Bogg, 2011). There are number of reasons discussed above, some says it is a feeling of being stalled in the career graph or completely excluded from the workplace based culture or the whopping half which claims that workers believes that men have an advantage in science or another subject. Reference Campos-Soria, J. A., Marchante-Mera, A., Ropero-Garca, M. A. (2011). Patterns of occupational segregation by gender in the hospitality industry.International Journal of Hospitality Management,30(1), 91-102. Collins, D. (2011).Business ethics: How to design and manage ethical organizations. John Wiley Sons. Lam, A. C. (2012).Women and Japanese management: discrimination and reform. Routledge. Nadal, K. L., Davidoff, K. C., Fujii-Doe, W. (2014). Transgender women and the sex work industry: Roots in systemic, institutional, and interpersonal discrimination.Journal of Trauma Dissociation,15(2), 169-183. Prescott, J., Bogg, J. (2011). Segregation in a male-dominated industry: Women working in the computer games industry.International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology,3(1). Reagle, J. (2012). Free as in sexist? Free culture and the gender gap.first monday,18(1). Webster, J. (2014).Shaping women's work: Gender, employment and information technology. Routledge. Whittaker, A. M. (2011). Reproduction opportunists in the new global sex trade: PGD and non-medical sex selection.Reproductive biomedicine online,23(5), 609-617. Whyte, J. (2017).Girls into science and technology: The story of a project. Taylor Francis. Wright, D. (2011). A framework for the ethical impact assessment of information technology.Ethics and information technology,13(3), 199-226.